Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Moving in... what have we gotten ourselves into?

Friday, we moved out of the lovely house we'd been renting rooms in from our wonderful neighbor... and back into our house. Right smack into the middle of something straight out of the HGTV channel. All drywall dust and unfinished business.

The heavy demolition has been completed. The floors have been laid in the main house and they are lovely:

We sent the boys to Papa's house so we could tidy up the place and make them some semblance of normalcy to return to. Dad rebuilt an insanely complex (even for IKEA) bunk bed and I unpacked their room and made it cozy and bright.

That night, the dust was so bad in here that I slept in a painter's mask:

So the next morning, I picked up some air purifiers. One for each bedroom and a borrowed BIG one for the main living space. They are all working overtime, but it has helped incredibly.

So, the here's the current state breakdown:

The addition has been plumbed and is awaiting windows and a roof before the wall can be cut through to the existing structure.

Floors are in the existing structure (not in the addition)

Walls have been knocked down in the existing structure and framed in - including the removal of two closets to gain kitchen square footage.

Wall knocked down and new closet framed in what was the boys' room.

Our future kitchen is plumbed, but literally nothing else has gone back into it. See for yourself the gaping hole where a kitchen once stood:

The kitchen, currently. 

So, yeah.

My best friend started us a meal train if you feel like feeding us over the next 4-6 weeks :) I'll let you see my un-kitchen!

So, we've got a fridge in the garage and have gotten creative with the bathroom sinks. Grateful that we have clean running water and a roof over our heads. I keep telling myself this will all have been worth it. I told myself that when I threw my back out swinging a mattress on to a bunkbed. I told myself that when the movers broke our TV. I told myself that when I couldn't shower for three days because the hot water heater couldn't be used... and I'll tell myself again tonight. Grateful that we're getting to make our home just right for our little family. Grateful that the location is where we want to live among wonderful neighbors.

Right now, we're in the thick of it, folks.

But gratefully so...


2/4th of Longbines down...

Today was the day.

I hopped out of the house early for important work meetings... after my first, I see texts from the Hubs saying his back was causing him so much pain that he'd become stranded at a meeting and couldn't drive. A colleague helped him to urgent care where he collapsed in the parking lot and had to be hauled into a wheel chair by a Good Samaritan.

After meeting 2, I sped out to get pain meds and then to pick him up from urgent care and get him home and settled. Then back to work.

THEN home to get Easton for a last minute dental emergency. He'd woken in the night crying in pain. I gave him Motrin in the morning and crossed my fingers that he could make it to our 4:30 appointment.

Luckily, Eric's prognosis isn't as serious as we'd feared. He should be back up in a couple of days. As for Easton, no major dental issues. The theory is that he's been grinding his little teefers while he sleeps causing jaw ache. Totally normal for his age and we walked away with tips to help.

Easton also found himself a new lady love and now has a new future aspiration: to become a dentist.

This too shall pass...


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Moving out, in, and onward...

Holy cow I don't even know where to begin... so I'll begin where I left off.

Last Friday, we moved out. The movers that were estimated to take 4-5 hours took 10.5, largely due to the fact that Eric and I had only managed to pack maybe 8 boxes ourselves with his work in peak season and my new job (which is amazing) taking up all my available brain cells. So, a very long day (and a workday none the less) we moved EVERYTHING out of the old house save a few items stashed in the twins' bathtub and the laundry room for "safe" keeping... and into a lovely home where we're renting two bedrooms from a fabulous lady here in our neighborhood.

So, we slept here one quick night and then hauled off to the coast for the long weekend... we hiked on the bay at Ledbetter Point, taught the kids how to shoot off Roman candles on the beach (it's cool, we were in Washington), and had some sparkler fun.

Back in town, now we're seeing BIG progress on the interior existing structure of the house, truly every day. It seems the crew have shifted focus from the addition work in an effort to speed through some of the heavy demolition and get old floors out and new floors in so we can move back in a couple weeks.

Yesterday they tore up all the flooring.

I popped over to check it out and saw one disturbing thing... there appears to be some water damage in what was our bedroom and will become the boys' room. Fingers crossed it's nothing major.

Today, they demo'd the kitchen. I'll pop by for photos in the next day or so. For tonight, I'll leave you with this pretty sunset snap I grabbed on Long Beach last weekend. Hope you had a safe and happy 4th!
